Adam’s Creation

Created for Apocalyptical Exhibition, Hosted by Spanic Arts, 2023, Calgary.

3x4 feet, Acrylic on Wood Panel

Adam’s Creation is a piece that ties together various references from the past, pop culture, and technological development. It is a homage to The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, which speaks to the relationship between the creator and the created. The bible speaks of humans as being made in God’s image. Looking at technology, we can learn much about ourselves. Just as we all have clues within ourselves as to what is God, technology has clues about us. In the book “Origin”, by Dan Brown, it explores the idea of technology as an organism, evolving quickly, and becoming a new dominant species. In the age of AI and quantum computing, organic human tissue might become obsolete. With “consciousness” still being a debated term, what will consciousness look like in the future? Can we exist in the networks of chipsets and processors? I chose the human hand to be male, tense, and strained. War and struggle fueled the fires where technology has been forged. I chose the robotic hand to be feminine. I feel femininity further unfolding and stepping forward from the shadows. It is soft and strong. There is also a subtle nod to the Sci-fi Drama “Gattaca” (1997), a world where genetic modification is standard procedure. There is a scene where the protagonist observes a pianist playing a piece that is only possible with 12 fingers. With that, I think the future will continue to bend limitations, surprise us, and continue to push the envelope of what’s possible.


Private Commission (2023)